Mosler Vault Restoration
During a renovation and repurposing of a former bank building, its beautiful 1920s vault was exposed to the elements and allowed to rust. The vault won’t be used again, but the owners wanted the finish restored within reason so that it could be enjoyed as a showpiece. After some tests, we determined that mechanical removal of the rust and sanding down through the layer of pitting was the best method for restoring the beautiful grained finish.

"Before" image of the door's exterior.

The rust damage was severe, and the pitting was too deep for a chemical treatment or sandblasting alone.

Making some progress, from left to right.
We had to remove these locking bolts in order to work efficiently. Check out our instagram reel showing the process (click the photo).

We removed mechanical components and hardware as necessary. Round parts were refinished using our lathe.

Each part was labeled as it was removed so that it all went back together in the correct order.

Progress! Rust removal is nearly complete and the grain is starting to take shape.

Finished grain.

The locking bolts, hardware and mechanical elements were cleaned and reassembled, and the door was given a renewable clear coat to give it some protection.